SURFING ,boating or swimming can be the most happiest thing you do in the sea but when it is out of control or uncontrollable it will gone be a very life threatening activity which need to be very cautious or steps have to follow during waves

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there are many life threatening dangerous included in sea that are drowning,rip tides or human activities or lack of awareness of human so we all living humans must teach their beloved ones oceon safety or wave safety that can lead to safeness of your lovely friend life

follow these waves safety tips to get you safe from waves

waves that can be very dangerous and life threatening for any one so to prevent yourself from drowning you must have all safety gears drowning occurs when water get full in your body and due to suffocation you don’t able to breath to prevent yourself from waves like California waves never go in water if you don’t know how to swim please be cautious swim or surf only when life guards or ocean safety team are there and never surf after drinking alcohol

always remain your body close to shore where your body can handle the heavy pressure of wave that can be preventable in every tight situations and you must get training in the best available CPR techniques from which you can also safe life of others also

in surfing also a very persona happening stuff of injury so from preventing yourself from injury you must have become very cautious and never surf under the high tides injury can happens from drownings or falls during surfing or getting cut from any substance so you have must become very cautious so that you can feel very safe

and always you have to surf in the designated surf area describe by life guards never go away during surfing

and always avoid alcohol or any other substance that can affect your judgment during surfing in waves

when you get to think about sea dangerous you normally think that you can get attacked by sharks sharks are also dangerous but the most dangerous attacks are box jellyfish because they have venom very powerful; to kill up to 50 or more peoples and also  many life threatening dangerous creatures are also there like sea snakes so every time you go to surfing in waves always be cautious of these ocean threats so that you can enjoy most and be safe with your life

surfing always have fun but high finds cause you life threatening threat which can be avoid by getting far from the sea during high waves and high winds

during high waves like California waves also a threat of lightening arises in sea it can be soon joined by rain storm and that become very dangerous so avoid getting near these waves and make yourself safe


with a every wave underwater stones or other substance get tossed up in tides and that can be very dangerous if stepped upon that can cause heavy bleeding or cut and there is a safety hazard that can be happen so avoid going in waves that are high

always be vigilant during going to nearby or close to sea that what are your surroundings and where is my family members and if possible never go out in high strong waves and go to a safe place where all of your family members are safe and in high waves always find indoor safety area for all of your family member that can give shelter to your family and you get to be safe



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