5 signs of emotionally harassment that are you didn’t noticing

it not gone be very bad but have to become counting in relationship

in daily sayings movies TV shows and ott’s and all entertainment gatherings the bad relation is characterized or showed in physically violence or aggressive relation but there are some common red flags it sure they are not the ones but the starting alarm or starting warning that you are going in a wrong direction or moving in a false path

there are more commons signs you gone notice in relation but violence during self speaking saying harsh words you did not noticing or harsh words which are saying to your children or your friend by targeting you its a bed sign you are not noticing but a very important one

the experts or experienced ones agree on this thing that are over jealous or spending time with you during medicine and acting strange then normal in that situation what they are in real will open a actual face in front of you so don’t ever ignore this sign and they also starts to


control on your daily habits daily routine things daily life things whom you gone meet whom you gone see what you gone eat and what you gone wear you might be aware of more sides of control in relationship


they do not respect your inner space or a boundary in which a relation is fulfilling in a healthy way so that you can enjoy your needs and you always gone respect both when you respect both boundaries


they gone push you in inner guilt that you are doing wrong i am right but you are wrong and you are the one one that going to be bed one that gone exploit our relation into bed face like if you mess up all things by forgetting something and making yourself inner persona into guilt tripping and feels you inner self into bed mood and going into extreme thinking which gone lead to a bed relationship


they don’t respect your private moments or private things which you says to them in a loving manner and destroying your privacy in public by disrespecting you and your soul and also they gone exploit your financial status in public which led to bed sites in relation and the abusive partner will use all your private things against you and make you feel into shit and try to make you feel that you are the culprit here


the anger they shows in public to you is the most relating point you gone miss in a bad relation and it gone make your relation more bed in certain ways that it gone disrespect you in front of others and make you feel bad and feelings will hurt your inner self which lead to big fight and things gone worst after this so try to avoid anger with your partner in public meetings or gatherings or public place


they gone give you ultimatum that they gone leave you if you don’t do this or that and make you feel bad in many manners and your life become hell in this type of relations so do’t waste your time get up and move on and live your life like you are the the most loved person on this earth and you are best and you are the most beautiful person here and your individual persona is best available on this earth

if any above signs you notice please rethink about the whole situation and reconsider yourself your inner peace gone love this reconsideration so love yourself and become great in yourself



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